As most of us are staying home to social distance ourselves it offers the opportunity to finally get everything in the home organized! This may seem like a big project to take one but what other time will you get?


Decluttering with Marie Kondo

Although it is daunting, decluttering and organizing can “spark joy” according to Marie Kondo- an organization professional with various books on the same subject. Marie has a simplified process that really helps to sort through all clutter with a purpose. She starts by going through each item of clutter and asking herself does this item “spark joy” for me? Anything that does not spark joy is immediately thrown away. Whatever is left is then put in a pile to make the conscious decision to find a home for each item.

When finding a home for each item it then provides a special place where that item belongs and should be returned to after each use. This makes tidying up much easier because we are simply just returning the item to its home. For more information and tips from the expert herself you can watch her Netflix series titled “Tidying Up”. And don’t worry if you become frustrated with the process of decluttering, everyone does! Take a page out of Marie’s book and be easy on yourself! Making progress on your clutter is already a step in the right direction.

Contact Us

If you have any additional questions on the subject feel free to reach out to Assisting Hands Schaumburg at 847-857-6166

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