Oakton Community College exhibit depicts strength, resilience of women

Art by Stella Spiridonova
“Nevertheless She Persisted: Women of Courage, Tenacity and Strength,” a juried art exhibition that examines how women today are displaying unheralded reserves of strength and resilience, opened Thursday, Sept. 27, at Oakton Community College’s Koehnline Museum of Art, 1600 E. Golf Road, Des Plaines.
The annual collaboration between Women’s and Gender Studies and the Koehnline Museum of Art will display over 90 works by women artists from around the globe.
From activism to athletics, from labor movements and business to the media, politics and the arts, women today are making waves, working to create a better world for themselves, their families, and for us all. For this year’s annual juried women’s art exhibition, Oakton WGS, in collaboration with the Koehnline Museum of Art, invited artists to submit pieces that celebrate women who persist.

Daniela Momtcheva (Assisting Hands) and Stella Spiridonova at the exhibit
One of our best caregivers Stella Spiridonova was invited to participate in the exhibit. Her painting is inspired by the increasing cross-border and cross-continental movements of people. “With revolutions and wars occurring worldwide human population is on the move seeking new life. But people are not prepared for all the surprises and cultural conflicts they will experience when traveling thousands miles away from home,” says Stella.
Stella has over 20 years of international experience in exhibits, galleries, studios and graphic arts.
Assisting Hands Home Care is honored to have Stella in our team and be part of the exhibit opening event at the Oakton Community College in Des Plaines.